About a year ago, a stained glass business opened in my small town. Dreamland Productions is the company -- they do beautiful, beautiful work.
Over the weekend, they had a few pieces on display at our quilt show -- one of them caught my eye, and today I decided to go get it and bring it home.
Isn't it pretty? It looks much better hanging in the sun. I'm not exactly sure where to put it. Maybe in one of the windows in my studio. Maybe in one of the kitchen windows.
I love the shapes in the design. It also kind of ties in with the great big pine tree we have out in front of our house. I should get a picture of that tree some day.
More red things:
Dorothy's ruby slippers
clown nose
red hot candies
I did do some work on a project that is using some of my new red thingies, but it's not far enough along to share, plus it's for a contest, so I might not share it at all until after the contest is finished.
Speaking of the contest, it's for a very good cause. Unlimited Possibilities is sponsoring the contest: "Have a Heart" Competition -- all entry fees will be donated to the American Heart Association, and after the quilts are done touring, they'll be auctioned off to benefit the AHA. Quilts have to be 1/4 red fabric and include at least one heart motif. You can find out more about the contest on the Unlimited Possibilities website.