I'll try to keep this list shorter than the "A" list from last week. I'm going to be away from my computer for a few days, so thought I'd get some posts lined up to publish automatically while I'm gone.
So here's the "B" list:
Blue -- My second favorite color (after red). The color of my car, and the color of the bottom half of my usual "uniform" -- I wear blue jeans nearly every day.
Book -- I love to read. My favorite author is Lois McMaster Bujold. I enjoy mysteries, science ficition, fantasy, and my guilty pleasure is reading really silly romances that are entirely predictable. But I don't do that very often. I am also the author of a self-published machine quilting book, who is working on her second book and probably ought to quit procrastinating since her self-imposed deadline is looming closer and closer.
Ballerina -- Don't most little girls dream of being a ballerina? I did take ballet lessons for many years. Tap, and jazz, too. I enjoyed doing it, but I quit because I wanted to join the marching band (to be near a "boy") -- what a silly thing that was. I would have been better off staying with dance. Not that I would have been a ballerina, but maybe I'd be in better shape!
Barn -- I live in a really cool house with a green steel roof -- it looks a lot like a barn. And someday, when we finish re-siding and paint it red -- it really will look like a barn!
Birthday -- In case anybody was wondering, my birthday is June 24. In my opinion, this is pretty much the ideal date for a birthday, as it is 6 months from Christmas. This is in part based on the fact that my sister's birthday is exactly a week before Christmas and she wasn't too keen on that growing up.
Blonde -- I am naturally blonde, and am a little disappointed at how much darker my hair has gotten over the years. I have resorted to highlights in recent years, and really wish my hair was the color of Katie's fur (the puppy picture up that the top-right...). And while I find that most blonde jokes are really quite offensive, I have been known to have "blonde moments" and to even admit to having had them....
Boys -- I'm pretty lucky that I get to live with the boys that are inhabiting my house. The big boy is quite nice to me (even when he is teasing me and making fun of me...) and the 2 little boys (who are getting to be not-so-little) are good kids. They may all drive me crazy some days, but I know that are actually all pretty wonderful.
Broccoli -- One of my favorite vegetables. I was not aware, though, that broccoli is a member of the cabbage family. (I paged through the dictionary to find "B" words to try to shake loose some ideas).
Brownie -- One of my favorite desserts. I have rarely made them from scratch, though. Our latest favorite is a mix from Sam's Club -- Triple Chocolate Chunk. I think it's Hershey's brand of brownies. Well, maybe Betty Crocker with Hershey's products? Here's my secret for a really yummy, fudgy brownie: keep the pan of brownies in the refrigerator. Refrigerated brownies are the best.
Well, I think that's enough for today's list. Have a beautiful day!
Ditto on the Blonde!
Posted by: Debra Spincic | December 28, 2006 at 09:40 AM
...ditto on the ditto...=-)
Posted by: Debby | December 28, 2006 at 08:09 PM