Dear Santa,
Thank you for all of the wonderful things you brought our family. You were very generous, as usual. We hope you had a nice, safe trip and that you didn't get too full eating all of the goodies that children left you. Do many people remember your reindeer? We hope they liked the baby carrots we left for them. Will was happy to get rid of so many. He doesn't really like them, even though I make him eat them almost everyday.
The boys have one of the big Lego Star Wars sets put together and are working on the other one. Mark is pretty excited to work on his Batmobile sometime soon, as well. We'll be going to Chicago for a couple of days, so it might be awhile before he gets to it. Mark had some help getting the air hockey table put together yesterday, and several lively matches have been played. He has threatened to make me play with him, too. Maybe I'll surprise us both and beat him. Maybe not.
I need to find a good place to display my Pink Ribbon Barbie. She is beautiful. I haven't had a Barbie in years. I wonder if I should leave her in the box or take her out.
We are all looking forward to many family game nights this winter with all of the fun board and card games. The boys weren't really impressed with them (in comparison to the Lego sets, who can blame them?), but as time goes on, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun playing.
Thanks for all of the other fun things you brought us, both big and small.
I suppose you have time now to rest before you need to start working on next Christmas.
Take care of yourself and the reindeer and all of your helpers.
Your friend,