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What I'm Working On

  • 12x12x12 Journal Quilt projects
    January -- mostly done!
  • Black, red, and green Whirl-A-Jig
  • Peppermint Swirl Quilt
  • Book number 2
  • Churn Dash quilt
  • 5 more customer quilts
  • Knitted Bag (to be felted)
  • "Have a Heart" Quilt - Done!

« Cleaning my Brushes | Main | FLO »

January 11, 2007



I enjoy your blog so much. Its like sitting down and chatting with a friend!

Dianne (FaeryDi)

Yes, what a fun read! Your supermarket visit - well I had the exact same thing happen to me the other day!! I picked up a large (4 kilo I think) packet of omomatic (washing powder) as it was on special. When I got to the checkout another lady had 2 x 2 kilo packets, and we worked it out that the 2 pkts were about $3 cheaper to buy... Go figure!!! So, I went back and changed mine over of course.... Twin boys!! Whoooo - I have 3 boys - you need to have selective eye sight, or else you're cleaning non-stop, forever and ever, and ever.....

Debra Spincic

You can read the little UPC tag on the shelf and it will tell you the per unit price of any product. No need for a calculator at the store.


I love your site..I think we have all been tricked my the buy more for less scheme..Im adding your site to my favorites. I want to read more of your postings. Thanks for sharing


Suzanne, once your quilts start talking and being bossy to you it's time to take a break... Go for a walk perhaps?

This made me LOL or rather have a VBG?

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