Thanks to Robin who knew that what we were looking for were fortune tellers, and to my Mom for Googling and finding instructions. The site she found (Enchanted Learning) says they are also called Cootie Catchers! I remember that now!
I did the cutting and the folding, and the boys did the decorating. They each made up their own "fortunes" -- some are nice (You Rock! or You are the Best!) and some aren't so nice (You are a blabbermouth"). They drove us nuts for awhile (and then Mom and Dad left for awhile and they drove Gramma nuts for awhile) with them.
I was thinking that maybe I'd make my own tomorrow with cool paper, and charms and interesting sayings. Hmmmm.....I have to get ready for a class on Wednesday (which requires shoveling out piles of stuff in my studio, and I need to work on the computer, but...I might have to play!)