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  • 12x12x12 Journal Quilt projects
    January -- mostly done!
  • Black, red, and green Whirl-A-Jig
  • Peppermint Swirl Quilt
  • Book number 2
  • Churn Dash quilt
  • 5 more customer quilts
  • Knitted Bag (to be felted)
  • "Have a Heart" Quilt - Done!

« WIP Wednesday | Main | The writing on the fabric.... »

February 21, 2007



Hi Suzanne, I like the sun print but I really love the writing on fabric. That's one of my favorite techniques and I've meant to try it for a while. It always looks so wonderfully antique even if it's not. I must try this soon. It's so appealing when Deborah Boschert uses it-I can't wait to see what you do with yours. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comment. I'm appreciating the weather as well.


This looks like so much fun! I must try it the next time it's offered!


I have seen some wonderful sun painting using leaves. Yours turned out well. I'd like to try it when the weather here gets a bit warmer.


Did you write on the fabric or was it already printed? It reminds me of Lonni Rossi fabric by Andover.

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