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What I'm Working On

  • 12x12x12 Journal Quilt projects
    January -- mostly done!
  • Black, red, and green Whirl-A-Jig
  • Peppermint Swirl Quilt
  • Book number 2
  • Churn Dash quilt
  • 5 more customer quilts
  • Knitted Bag (to be felted)
  • "Have a Heart" Quilt - Done!

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February 15, 2007



Oh, this is the FIRST thing I used to "test" out my dates on....If the guy would chew with his mouth open, one meal together would be one more than I could stand!
I actually find it quite difficult to figure out HOW the food doesn't all fall out?! Nothing is worse than a wide-chewer who TALKS with food in their mouth, too!
Someday your boys will thank you for nagging them about this!


Oooh - love the monoprinting sample from 365 photos - might have to take that class at some point! And the buttons - well, you know how I feel about buttons!


Darling puppies! My big one likes the little bed too, not that it is as small as your dog's. Sometimes they both lay on the smaller bed together. I caught them with the camera yesterday.

And while I harbour doubt that any boy will thank mom later for nagging on any topic, eventually all the nagging just might bear fruit. My brother and sister both did it on purpose to annoy my mom and gross me out!


One of my boys used to do that unendingly - I realized eventually that he had sinus problems and couldn't breathe and chew with his mouth closed at the same time. ...but sometimes it's just a bad habit.

Carla Barrett

Suzanne, my DMIL waits to talk only after she places something in her mouth...drives me crazy!! At least kids you can correct... LOL

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