I had a wonderful time at MQX in Manchester, NH last weekend -- seeing old friends, meeting new ones, staying up too late, eating too much (actually not too bad on that one, I don't think....), looking at cool things in vendor booths, and being awed by amazing quilts. I actually spent very little -- mostly food, a little thread, some really cool glass buttons and jewelry, a small bit of fabric.
I taught 4 classes last week, and after all of the talking in classes and at the show, I'm quite hoarse. I think the dryness of the hotel and the planes is a factor in that, too. Classes went well. It was all a bit overwhelming and scary. Most comment forms were quite positive, but you know that I am still focusing a bit on the negative ones. Very few of those, but they stick, darn it.
I didn't take my camera -- I'm hoping to get some pictures from various friends, that I'll try to share in the next few days.
I made it to the bank this morning, but that's about the extent of my usefulness so far today. I have an idea for a wholecloth quilt that I've been playing around with on paper, and if I'm going to do it, I'm going to try to do it right away in order to enter it into a show.
I was only gone for a short while, but it's funny -- something about the time away made me look at my boys a little differently when I got back -- they look older, more grown-up. Small proof of the last came this morning when they made their own toast. Kind of silly, I know -- but a milestone of sorts.
(Joe is sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on his toast...)
I keep yawning, but when I tried to lay down, I couldn't sleep -- thinking too much about my quilt idea. I'd better go work on it a bit, and maybe later will be able to get a nap in.
I was grateful to be on an early flight -- there are a number of people still stuck in the northeast. The reports of bad weather on the east coast are just amazing. I hope that all of you are warm and dry and not experiencing too much trouble weather-wise.
I was talking to some people in the airport on the way home. One of the ladies took your class and said it was her best!
Posted by: Vicki W | April 16, 2007 at 06:09 PM
Hi! I sat next to you at the banquet the other night. I've been reading your blog for a while, and didn't connect the dots until tonight!! It's so fun to meet people that you feel like you already know. I really enjoy your blog, and now will even more!
Posted by: Maria | April 16, 2007 at 07:28 PM
It's nice to get home!! What you need to get you going again is one of Joe's cinnamon and sugar toasts!!!
Posted by: Dianne | April 19, 2007 at 07:04 PM