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What I'm Working On

  • 12x12x12 Journal Quilt projects
    January -- mostly done!
  • Black, red, and green Whirl-A-Jig
  • Peppermint Swirl Quilt
  • Book number 2
  • Churn Dash quilt
  • 5 more customer quilts
  • Knitted Bag (to be felted)
  • "Have a Heart" Quilt - Done!

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April 23, 2007


Carla Barrett

Love your birdie!!! Can you send me a pic or may I lift yours off your blog?

Hugs, Carla

Vicki W

You made Carla's bird! It's really cute! The story about the boys is funny - especially the part about the compliments being "annoying". They'll sure get over that! I love your tulips - especially because you used my favorite trip - RIC RAC!!


The page spread is great - love the flowers!! That bird is pretty cute too.
I wish my boys would play piano or guitar, but there is no way - no musical genius' in this family!!

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