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What I'm Working On

  • 12x12x12 Journal Quilt projects
    January -- mostly done!
  • Black, red, and green Whirl-A-Jig
  • Peppermint Swirl Quilt
  • Book number 2
  • Churn Dash quilt
  • 5 more customer quilts
  • Knitted Bag (to be felted)
  • "Have a Heart" Quilt - Done!

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April 17, 2007



First thing that came to my mind was Hearts on Fire.


I am blown away! You have done a magnificent job. Do you have a longarm machine or was it done on a regular machine?


Wow! I can't believe you have done this in a day! I'm still tired from MQX - and still don't have my luggage either! LOL! I love this quilt. I have lots more of that red sparkle thread - it's Madiera I think. If you want it let me know.

Shelly Hannon

You have such energy and motivation. After attending MQX I'm trying to lose the intimidation factor. I would call it Scarlet Amore`. Thanks for the inspiration.

Tanya Brown

This is brilliant, simply brilliant. I learned a few things simply by studying your photos.

Nancy Reis

It's beautiful. Think I'd just call it "Amore". I've never tried just quilting in wool on the frame -- but think I will. You are SOOO creative. Thanks for sharing!

Carla Barrett

Very inspiring!

Rose Marie

I found it interesting how you went from just scribbles to outstanding quilting! What about Swirling Hearts? Will this piece still be part of a jacket?

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