Between the weather and my desire to get things done, I've been a little AWOL from blogging. Apologies!
I feel the need tonight to brag a little about the sheer quantity of small quilts I have put together over the last few days. Thursday night the power went out for about an hour and a half. After it came back on, I was suddenly inspired to get out the Featherweight. I figured that if the power went out while it was on, nothing bad could happen -- unlike the disaster that might ensue if either of my computerized sewing machines were on at the time...
I pulled out some UFOs and started working. They are small, the largest is about 50 by 62, the rest are crib size/kid size...
These blocks were started several years ago when we had a flooded basement. We were on a round-the-clock schedule of keeping watch over shop-vacs. During the middle of the night I pulled the fabric out and started drawing lines on the backs in order to stitch them. I've pulled them out every so often, but never got it done. I was surprised to find that the blocks were actually sewn into rows, and all that was left was sewing rows together and adding borders.
Quilt #1
Next up is some rail fence blocks I started putting together with the intention that it would be used as a quilted sample. The blocks were together, I had to sew rows together and add borders:
Quilt #2

In November/December 2005 I made a quilt called StarStruck for Christmas (pictured on my website in my gallery). (I used the instructions and color scheme as designed by Bonnie at Quiltville). While making the body of the quilt, I got a little overzealous with the cutting and sewing of green and white strips.
The following 2 quilts are made from those leftovers. The pinwheel blocks were assembled and needed to be sewn into rows (and I have about 15 of them leftover...), the rows of 4 four patches were assembled, I just had to add the light colored strips in between.
Quilt #3

Quilt #4

(The dark triangles are actually purple...)
And last, but certainly not least, I put this little quilt together in it's entirety on Saturday.
Quilt #5
(Click to see SpiderFrog up close. He is totally cute.)
FIVE quilt tops put together. Since Thursday night at about 7:30 PM. Backs and bindings prepped as well.
But get this -- there's more!
Four of those quilts are now quilted.
Seriously. I quilted 4 of the above quilts today! I can't show them to you quilted, yet, because they are all samples for the new quilting design book I'm working on. I'm probably going to pay tomorrow for so much quilting (I think maybe I have a chiropractor's appointment soon...). In fact, I'm yawning and having a little bit of trouble focusing on writing this post, so I'd better wrap up.
I'm dreadfully behind on updating my 365 photo albums (again). I'm not sure the art project one is going to see much action this month. I have a lot of drawing still to do, and most of my energy is going to be directed at the book, I suspect. We'll see...