Toby is a beautiful English Springer Spaniel. He's 10 1/2, house trained and is good at fetching frisbees.
I should mention that he has a bad habit of eating tissues (dirty out of the garbage, but lately he's also been pulling new ones out of the box). He also likes to search through the garbage for other interesting things (which is why no trash cans sit out in the open any longer), and has been known to dig through the laundry for dirty underwear.
His newest trick: pulling things off my desk and destroying them:
This was my little piece from Day 26 -- the letter Z. Do you notice what is missing? Yes, that's right -- the zipper pull is gone. I tried to retrieve it, but he was having none of me digging in his mouth. And as he has gotten older, I've gotten more leery of pushing my luck with him.
Any takers?